About the Project


BEHIND SEXTING project intends to create an open education, innovative training for raising awareness in adolescents aged 10-19 and parents about the risk of sexting in the digital age. At the same time, the project will involve school teachers to obtain their input and engage them in dialogue with students in order to prevent the phenomenon of sexting.


Through the elaboration of a digital sex education learning model, adolescents and parents will acquire knowledge and skills for recognising and preventing digital media risks, sexting in particular. The training path will be based on a peer educational approach which gradual, non-judgmental, and participatory. Likewise, the training path will be created under the supervision of schoolteachers and experts in the field of sexting and digital media.


The project idea was born from the reflection on two issues. Firstly, digital tools are part of young people’ daily life; they present many benefits, but also numerous risks and challenges that directly affect their lives. Secondly, adolescence is a period of change, identity development, and sexual exploration during which teens generally begin their first romantic relationships. The spread of digital devices provides additional ways for adolescents to explore, develop, and test relationships. Nonetheless, the wide access to such devices poses risks as well, sexting being one of them.

By educating about sexting and the risks associated with it, BEHIND SEXTING objectives are in line with the European Parliament’s commitment to protection of children in the digital world.


The BEHIND SEXTING activities and products are addressed to students aged 10-19, attending secondary school, parents, school teachers, and experts in the field of sexuality and digital media.

The partnership that develops the digital sex education model, including didactic materials, is composed of eight organisations from the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia, working on the education, training and ICT.”